The TERAI PROJECT (The Enhanced Rural Artificial Insemination project for Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Nepal) is funded by Jersey Oversea Aid (JOA) and ADRA UK. The project is implementing by Indreni Rural Development Centre (IRDC) Nepal, ADRA Nepal and FORWARD Nepal.
The project aims to increase dairy based incomes of smallholder farmers through supporting the development of improved dairy production systems and linkages to the value chain. The target beneficiaries are 3,600 HHs in 4 Rural/Municipalities i.e. Banganga and Buddhabhumi Municipality of Kapilvastu and Sainamaina Municipality and Kanchan Rural Municipality of Rupendehi districts of Lumbini province.
The project is implementing for 4 years, and aims for participation of 50% women, 35% from indigenous groups and ethnic minorities, 5-10% Dalits and PWDs where feasible. Gender, social inclusion, and climate change mitigation actions will be mainstreamed across project activities. The project closely supports 4 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 1-No poverty, 5-Gender Equality, 10-Reduced Inequalities, and 13-Climate Action) through its interventions and expected outcomes. The project aims to work with smallholding poor farmers for achieving the goals of reduced poverty while also ensuring inclusion by promoting the meaningful participation of at least 50% women. Similarly, the project works with the poorest farmers as well as marginalized and vulnerable populations of PWDs, single women, and ethnic minorities to achieve the goal of reduced inequalities. While planning and designing the project activities, climate smart interventions aimed at reducing climate impact of cattle husbandry practices and dairy production, and improving farmer resilience to climate-related shocks, have been considered throughout the project activities. Though the project mainly priorities and focuses on the above-mentioned SDGs, it also contributes towards others including SDG 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing) through improved nutrition through increased production and consumption of milk and milk products.
The project also aims to collaborate with national research councils, Local Government (LGs), Universities, line Ministries from the Government of Nepal (GoN), and the wider international community of non-profits and donors to contribute towards SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). The project has three interconnected target outcomes, aligned with JOA’s Dairy for Development (D4D) strategy and theory of change:
1) Increased sustainable milk production and productivity of Stallholders Farmers ( SHFs)
2) Improved access to services and markets for SHFs, and enhanced value chain linking SHFs in rural areas to the district, regional and national markets.
3) Create an enabling environment through support of government technical services for cow and buffalo genetic improvement, reproduction management, and a dairy data Management Information System (MIS). The project aims to increase the income of SHFs in the target districts by strengthening dairy production and creating value chain linkages. This ultimately will enhance household income, as well as help to build resilience to shocks. In broader spectrum it is focused on strengthening overall systems within the dairy sector in Nepal.
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